Here's some random pictures of me from the last couple of years. |
This is me in the fall on 2000 at a bed and breakfast in Kentucky. I'm next to my bike and that's Mom's bike in front. She drove down from Michigan and I drove up from Atlanta to meet with her here and then we went on to a friend's house for the weekend. |
Here I am on the beach at Hilton Head, SC. This was summer of '00. I'm not in fighting shape here and the hair in front of my face makes my nose look funny in this picture. |
This is from Halloween. I'm dressed up as an arabian princess. The outfit is from my trip to Bangladesh a couple of years ago. It's not really a costume but what the women wear over there every day. I'm in my apartment but this is before I got my furniture so it looks very different now. |
This is one of my mom's planes. She and Dad built it. I'm dressed up to go to my cousin's wedding . It was in Michigan last June. This is in the backyard at my folks. Dad and I flew to a small airport close to the wedding and Mom and my grandmother (everyone calls her "Nanny") drove over and picked us up. I flew the plane most of the time except for take-off and landing. I don't get to fly much any more but I still like it. |
This is my folks place again and the same weekend as my cousin's wedding. This little girl belongs to my best friend from high school. She's the sweetest thing and a definate camera hog. I have many pictures of her from that day. |
Hope you liked it. Click here to go to my home page. See ya! |